Infer function from network neighbors :: Query Form

Choose GO annotation evidence code filters

Default 6 evidence codes are with high reliability.
For more information, read the table below.

Place your query gene(s) below (Max=1000).

Example query genes (20 genes for Arabidopsis cold acclimation)

AT1G10760, AT1G20440, AT1G20450, AT1G29395, AT1G35515, AT2G15970, AT2G38170, AT2G42540, AT3G26420, AT3G26744
AT3G50970, AT4G16420, AT4G25470, AT4G25480, AT4G25490, AT4G29810, AT5G15960, AT5G59820, AT5G66400, AT5G67590

Gene Ontology Annotation Evidence code

GO evidence code Description by Gene Ontoloty
IDA Inferred from Direct Assay
IMP Inferred from Mutant Phenotype
IGI Inferred from Genetic Interaction
IPI Inferred from Physical Interaction
IEP Inferred from Expression Pattern
TAS Traceable Author Statement
RCA Inferred from Reviewed Computational Analysis
IGC Inferred from Genomic Context
ISS Inferred from Sequence or Structural Similarity
NAS Non-traceable Author Statement
IEA Inferred from Electronic Annotation
IC Inferred by Curator

For more detailed documentation, Go to Guide to GO Evidence Codes

Evidence codes for 24 types of data sets incorporated in AraNet

Evidence code Data set description
AT-CX mRNA co-expression between Arabidopsis genes
AT-DC Domain co-occurrence between Arabidopsis proteins
AT-GN Gene neighborhoods between Arabidopsis orthologs in bacterial genomes
AT-LC Literature-curated Arabidopsis protein interactions
AT-PG Phylogenetic profile similarity between Arabidopsis homologs
CE-CC Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from co-citation of C. elegans genes in Medline abstracts
CE-CX Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from mRNA co-expression in C. elegans
CE-GT Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from genetic interactions in C. elegans
CE-LC Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from literature-curated C. elegans protein interactions
CE-YH Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from C. elegans protein interactions by high-throughput yeast-2-hybrid analysis
DM-PI Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from D. melanogaster protein interactions
HS-CX Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from mRNA co-expression in Human
HS-DC Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from domain co-occurrence between Human proteins
HS-LC Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from literature-curated human protein interactions
HS-MS Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from human protein interactions by affinity purification/mass spectrometry analysis
HS-YH Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from human protein interactions by high-throughput yeast-2-hybrid analysis
SC-CC Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from co-citation of S. cerevisiae genes in Medline abstracts
SC-CX Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from mRNA co-expression in S. cerevisiae
SC-DC Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from domain co-occurrence between S. cerevisiae proteins
SC-GT Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from genetic interactions in S. cerevisia
SC-LC Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from literature-curated S. cerevisiae protein interactions
SC-MS Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from S. cerevisiae protein interactions by affinity purification/mass spectrometry analysis
SC-TS Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from S. cerevisiae protein interactions which were also inferred from protein tertiary structures
SC-YH Association between Arabidopsis orthologs inferred from S. cerevisiae protein interactions by high-throughput yeast-2-hybrid analysis